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IMAQ Ver3 Error Codes
Error Code Status Name Description
-1074397183 IMG_ERR_NCAP NI-IMAQ cannot perform the requested operation.
-1074397182 IMG_ERR_OVRN Too many interfaces open.
-1074397181 IMG_ERR_EMEM Not enough memory to perform the operation.
-1074397180 IMG_ERR_OSER Operating system error occurred.
-1074397179 IMG_ERR_PAR1 Function-specific; see function description.
-1074397178 IMG_ERR_PAR2 Function-specific; see function description.
-1074397177 IMG_ERR_PAR3 Function-specific; see function description.
-1074397176 IMG_ERR_PAR4 Function-specific; see function description.
-1074397175 IMG_ERR_PAR5 Function-specific; see function description.
-1074397174 IMG_ERR_PAR6 Function-specific; see function description.
-1074397173 IMG_ERR_PAR7 Function-specific; see function description.
-1074397172 IMG_ERR_MXBF Too many buffers already allocated.
-1074397171 IMG_ERR_DLLE DLL internal error; bad logic state.
-1074397170 IMG_ERR_BSIZ Buffer size used is too small for minimum acquisition frame.
-1074397169 IMG_ERR_MXBI Exhausted buffer IDs.
-1074397168 IMG_ERR_ELCK Operating system unable to lock the requested amount of memory.
-1074397167 IMG_ERR_DISE Error releasing the image buffer.
-1074397166 IMG_ERR_BBUF Bad buffer pointer in list.
-1074397165 IMG_ERR_NLCK Buffer list is not locked for this acquisition.
-1074397164 IMG_ERR_NCAM No camera defined for this channel.
-1074397163 IMG_ERR_BINT The passed in interface or session is invalid.
-1074397162 IMG_ERR_BROW The bytes per row value is less than region of interest.
-1074397161 IMG_ERR_BROI Region of interest is larger than the acquisition area.
-1074397160 IMG_ERR_BCMF Camera file is missing or corrupted.
-1074397159 IMG_ERR_NVBL The hardware is incapable of performing the requested action.
-1074397158 IMG_ERR_NCFG No buffers configured for session.
-1074397157 IMG_ERR_BBLF Buffer list does not contain a valid final command.
-1074397156 IMG_ERR_BBLE Buffer list contains an invalid command.
-1074397155 IMG_ERR_BBLB One or more of the buffers in the buffer list is not configured.
-1074397154 IMG_ERR_NAIP No acquisition in progress.
-1074397153 IMG_ERR_VLCK Cannot detect recognizable video source.
-1074397152 IMG_ERR_BDMA Bad DMA transfer.
-1074397151 IMG_ERR_AIOP Cannot perform request; acquisition currently in progress.
-1074397150 IMG_ERR_TIMO Did not receive all expected video data within the timeout period.
-1074397149 IMG_ERR_NBUF No buffers available; too early in acquisition.
-1074397148 IMG_ERR_ZBUF The buffer has a size of zero.
-1074397147 IMG_ERR_HLPR Parameter value set lower than valid range.
-1074397146 IMG_ERR_BTRG Trigger loopback problem; cannot drive with action enabled.
-1074397145 IMG_ERR_NINF No interface found.
-1074397144 IMG_ERR_NDLL Unable to load DLL.
-1074397143 IMG_ERR_NFNC Unable to find API function in DLL.
-1074397142 IMG_ERR_NOSR Unable to allocate system resources.
-1074397141 IMG_ERR_BTAC No trigger action; acquisition will time out.
-1074397140 IMG_ERR_FIFO FIFO overflow caused acquisition to halt.
-1074397139 IMG_ERR_MLCK Operating system denied request to lock down memory.
-1074397138 IMG_ERR_ILCK Interface locked.
-1074397137 IMG_ERR_NEPK No pixel clock detected from camera.
-1074397136 IMG_ERR_SCLM Field scaling mode not supported.
-1074397135 IMG_ERR_SCC1 Channel not set to 1 when using StillColor RGB acquisition.
-1074397134 IMG_ERR_SMALLALLOC Error during small buffer allocation.
-1074397133 IMG_ERR_ALLOC Error during large buffer allocation.
-1074397132 IMG_ERR_BADCAMTYPE This camera type is not supported by this hardware.
-1074397131 IMG_ERR_BADPIXTYPE Camera not supported; must be an 8-bit camera.
-1074397130 IMG_ERR_BADCAMPARAM Bad camera parameter in configuration file.
-1074397129 IMG_ERR_PALKEYDTCT Unable to recognize color component in PAL signal.
-1074397128 IMG_ERR_BFRQ Bad clock frequency.
-1074397127 IMG_ERR_BITP Bad interface type.
-1074397126 IMG_ERR_HWNC Hardware not capable of supporting this operation.
-1074397125 IMG_ERR_SERIAL Serial port error.
-1074397124 IMG_ERR_MXPI No more pulse IDs are available. Dispose of an existing pulse first.
-1074397123 IMG_ERR_BPID Bad pulse ID.
-1074397122 IMG_ERR_NEVR DLL internal error; bad logic state.
-1074397121 IMG_ERR_SERIAL_TIMO Unable to perform the requested serial operation within the timeout period.
-1074397120 IMG_ERR_PG_TOO_MANY Too many pattern generation transitions defined.
-1074397119 IMG_ERR_PG_BAD_TRANS Bad pattern generation transition time.
-1074397118 IMG_ERR_PLNS Pulse not started.
-1074397117 IMG_ERR_BPMD Bad pulse mode.
-1074397116 IMG_ERR_NSAT This attribute cannot be set.
-1074397115 IMG_ERR_HYBRID Cannot mix system and onboard memory buffers.
-1074397114 IMG_ERR_BADFILFMT Pixel depth not supported with this file format.
-1074397113 IMG_ERR_BADFILEXT File extension is not supported.
-1074397112 IMG_ERR_NRTSI Too many RTSI triggers mapped; you can use only four RTSI lines at once.
-1074397111 IMG_ERR_MXTRG Exhausted trigger resources.
-1074397110 IMG_ERR_MXRC Exhausted resources.
-1074397109 IMG_ERR_OOR Parameter out of range.
-1074397108 IMG_ERR_NPROG FPGA not programmed.
-1074397107 IMG_ERR_NEOM Not enough onboard memory to perform the operation.
-1074397106 IMG_ERR_BDTYPE Bad display type; buffer cannot be displayed with imgPlot.
-1074397105 IMG_ERR_THRDACCDEN Thread denied access to function.
-1074397104 IMG_ERR_BADFILWRT Could not write the file.
-1074397103 IMG_ERR_AEXM This buffer is currently protected. Release it to allow new data to be written.
-1074397102 IMG_ERR_BAD_LUT_TYPE The LUT type is invalid.
-1074397101 IMG_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_READABLE The selected attribute is not readable.
-1074397100 IMG_ERR_BOARD_NOT_SUPPORTED This version of NI-IMAQ does not support this device.
-1074397099 IMG_ERR_BAD_FRAME_FIELD The value of IMG_ATTR_FRAME_FIELD is invalid.
-1074397098 IMG_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE The requested attribute is invalid.
-1074397097 IMG_ERR_BAD_LINE_MAP The physical data lines are incorrectly mapped to bit values.
-1074397095 IMG_ERR_BAD_CHANNEL The requested channel is invalid for this device.
-1074397094 IMG_ERR_BAD_CHROMA_FILTER The value of IMG_ATTR_CHROMA_FILTER is invalid.
-1074397093 IMG_ERR_BAD_SCALE The value of IMG_ATTR_HSCALE or IMG_ATTR_VSCALE is invalid.
-1074397091 IMG_ERR_BAD_TRIGGER_MODE The requested triggering mode is invalid.
-1074397090 IMG_ERR_BAD_CLAMP_START The clamp start value is invalid.
-1074397089 IMG_ERR_BAD_CLAMP_STOP The requested clamp stop value is invalid.
-1074397088 IMG_ERR_BAD_BRIGHTNESS The requested brightness level is out of range.
-1074397087 IMG_ERR_BAD_CONTRAST The requested contrast level is out of range.
-1074397086 IMG_ERR_BAD_SATURATION The requested saturation level is out of range.
-1074397085 IMG_ERR_BAD_TINT The requested tint level is out of range.
-1074397084 IMG_ERR_BAD_HUE_OFF_ANGLE The requested hue offset angle is out of range.
-1074397083 IMG_ERR_BAD_ACQUIRE_FIELD The field requested to be acquired is invalid.
-1074397082 IMG_ERR_BAD_LUMA_BANDWIDTH The requested luma bandwidth value is invalid.
-1074397081 IMG_ERR_BAD_LUMA_COMB The requested luma comb setting is invalid.
-1074397080 IMG_ERR_BAD_CHROMA_PROCESS The requested chroma processing value is invalid.
-1074397079 IMG_ERR_BAD_CHROMA_BANDWIDTH The requested chroma bandwidth value is invalid.
-1074397078 IMG_ERR_BAD_CHROMA_COMB The requested chroma comb setting value is invalid.
-1074397077 IMG_ERR_BAD_RGB_CORING The requested minimum level of saturation (coring) for the RGB color space is invalid.
-1074397076 IMG_ERR_BAD_HUE_REPLACE_VALUE The requested HSL hue replacement value is out of range.
-1074397075 IMG_ERR_BAD_RED_GAIN The requested red gain value is out of range.
-1074397074 IMG_ERR_BAD_GREEN_GAIN The requested green gain value is out of range.
-1074397073 IMG_ERR_BAD_BLUE_GAIN The requested blue gain value is out of range.
-1074397072 IMG_ERR_BAD_START_FIELD The requested start field value is invalid.
-1074397071 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_DIRECTION The direction of the tap scan is invalid.
-1074397070 IMG_ERR_BAD_MAX_IMAGE_RECT The maximum image rectangle value is invalid because either the top or left offset value is set to a non-zero value.
-1074397069 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_TYPE The tap configuration is invalid.
-1074397068 IMG_ERR_BAD_SYNC_RECT The synchronization rectangle is invalid.
-1074397067 IMG_ERR_BAD_ACQWINDOW_RECT The requested acquisition window is invalid.
-1074397066 IMG_ERR_BAD_HSL_CORING The requested minimum level of saturation (coring) for the HSL color space is out of range.
-1074397065 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_0_VALID_RECT The rectangle defined for Tap 0 is invalid.
-1074397064 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_1_VALID_RECT The rectangle defined for Tap 1 is invalid.
-1074397063 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_2_VALID_RECT The rectangle defined for Tap 2 is invalid.
-1074397062 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_3_VALID_RECT The rectangle defined for Tap 3 is invalid.
-1074397061 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_RECT The tap rectangle is invalid.
-1074397060 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_TAPS The number of taps is invalid.
-1074397059 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_NUM The tap number is invalid.
-1074397058 IMG_ERR_BAD_QUAD_NUM The scarab quadrant number is invalid.
-1074397057 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_DATA_LINES The number of data lines requested is invalid for this IMAQ device.
-1074397056 IMG_ERR_BAD_BITS_PER_COMPONENT The bits-per-component value is invalid.
-1074397055 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_COMPONENTS The number of components value is invalid.
-1074397054 IMG_ERR_BAD_BIN_THRESHOLD_LOW The requested lower binary threshold value is out of range.
-1074397053 IMG_ERR_BAD_BIN_THRESHOLD_HIGH The requested upper binary threshold value is out of range.
-1074397052 IMG_ERR_BAD_BLACK_REF_VOLT The requested black reference voltage value is out of range.
-1074397051 IMG_ERR_BAD_WHITE_REF_VOLT The requested white reference voltage value is out of range.
-1074397050 IMG_ERR_BAD_FREQ_STD The video standard frequency value selected for the 6431 chip is invalid.
-1074397049 IMG_ERR_BAD_HDELAY The HDELAY value is out of range.
-1074397048 IMG_ERR_BAD_LOCK_SPEED The setting for lock speed is invalid.
-1074397047 IMG_ERR_BAD_BUFFER_LIST The buffer list is invalid.
-1074397046 IMG_ERR_BOARD_NOT_INITIALIZED The IMAQ device is not yet initialized.
-1074397045 IMG_ERR_BAD_PCLK_SOURCE The requested pixel clock source is invalid for this IMAQ device.
-1074397044 IMG_ERR_BAD_VIDEO_LOCK_CHANNEL The selected video timing signal source is invalid for this IMAQ device.
-1074397043 IMG_ERR_BAD_LOCK_SEL The selected lock mode is invalid.
-1074397042 IMG_ERR_BAD_BAUD_RATE The selected baud rate is invalid for this IMAQ device.
-1074397041 IMG_ERR_BAD_STOP_BITS The requested serial stop bits setting is invalid for this IMAQ device.
-1074397040 IMG_ERR_BAD_DATA_BITS The requested serial data bits setting is invalid for this IMAQ device.
-1074397039 IMG_ERR_BAD_PARITY The requested serial parity setting is invalid for this IMAQ device.
-1074397038 IMG_ERR_TERM_STRING_NOT_FOUND The requested serial termination string was not found in the returned buffer.
-1074397037 IMG_ERR_SERIAL_READ_TIMEOUT The serial read did not complete within the specified timeout period.
-1074397036 IMG_ERR_SERIAL_WRITE_TIMEOUT The serial write operation could not execute within the specified timeout period.
-1074397035 IMG_ERR_BAD_SYNCHRONICITY The async setting in imgSessionAcquire is invalid.
-1074397034 IMG_ERR_BAD_INTERLACING_CONFIG This tap configuration cannot be interlaced.
-1074397032 IMG_ERR_BAD_CHIP_CODE The requested chip code is invalid. Could not find a matching chip.
-1074397031 IMG_ERR_LUT_NOT_PRESENT The LUT chip does not exist on this IMAQ device.
-1074397030 IMG_ERR_DSPFILTER_NOT_PRESENT The DSP filter does not exist on this IMAQ device.
-1074397029 IMG_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND The IMAQ device was not found.
-1074397028 IMG_ERR_ONBOARD_MEM_CONFIG An error occurred during onboard memory configuration.
-1074397027 IMG_ERR_BAD_POINTER The pointer provided is either NULL when it should not be, or is non-NULL when it should be NULL.
-1074397026 IMG_ERR_BAD_BUFFER_LIST_INDEX The requested buffer list index is invalid.
-1074397025 IMG_ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_ATTRIBUTE The requested buffer attribute is invalid.
-1074397024 IMG_ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_PTR The requested buffer was not created by the NI-IMAQ driver software.
-1074397023 IMG_ERR_BUFFER_LIST_ALREADY_LOCKED This IMAQ device already has a buffer list locked down in memory.
-1074397022 IMG_ERR_BAD_DEVICE_TYPE The type of IMAQ device requested is invalid.
-1074397021 IMG_ERR_BAD_BAR_SIZE The size of one or more Base Address Register windows is incorrect.
-1074397019 IMG_ERR_NO_VALID_COUNTER_RECT The selected region of interest is not valid for the camera tap configuration.
-1074397018 IMG_ERR_ACQ_STOPPED The wait terminated because the acquisition stopped.
-1074397017 IMG_ERR_BAD_TRIGGER_ACTION The requested trigger action is invalid.
-1074397016 IMG_ERR_BAD_TRIGGER_POLARITY The trigger polarity is invalid.
-1074397015 IMG_ERR_BAD_TRIGGER_NUMBER The requested trigger line is invalid. Please verify that this trigger line exists and is properly connected to your device.
-1074397014 IMG_ERR_BUFFER_NOT_AVAILABLE The requested buffer has been overwritten and is no longer available.
-1074397012 IMG_ERR_BAD_PULSE_ID The pulse ID is invalid.
-1074397011 IMG_ERR_BAD_PULSE_TIMEBASE The requested timebase for the pulse is invalid.
-1074397010 IMG_ERR_BAD_PULSE_GATE The gate signal for the pulse is invalid.
-1074397009 IMG_ERR_BAD_PULSE_GATE_POLARITY The polarity of the pulse gate signal is invalid.
-1074397008 IMG_ERR_BAD_PULSE_OUTPUT The output signal for the pulse is invalid.
-1074397007 IMG_ERR_BAD_PULSE_OUTPUT_POLARITY The requested polarity of the pulse output signal is invalid.
-1074397006 IMG_ERR_BAD_PULSE_MODE The requested pulse mode is invalid.
-1074397005 IMG_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to complete the requested option.
-1074397004 IMG_ERR_INVALID_RESOURCE The requested resource is invalid.
-1074397003 IMG_ERR_BAD_FVAL_ENABLE The selected FVAL enable mode is invalid.
-1074397002 IMG_ERR_BAD_WRITE_ENABLE_MODE The specified combination of enable lines is invalid.
-1074397001 IMG_ERR_COMPONENT_MISMATCH Internal Error: The installed components of the NI-IMAQ driver software are incompatible. Reinstall NI-IMAQ.
-1074397000 IMG_ERR_FPGA_PROGRAMMING_FAILED Internal Error: The attempt to download the program to an FPGA was unsuccessful.
-1074396999 IMG_ERR_CONTROL_FPGA_FAILED Internal Error: The control FPGA did not initialize properly.
-1074396998 IMG_ERR_CHIP_NOT_READABLE Internal Error: Attempted to read a write-only chip.
-1074396997 IMG_ERR_CHIP_NOT_WRITABLE Internal Error: Attempted to write to a read-only chip.
-1074396996 IMG_ERR_I2C_BUS_FAILED Internal Error: The I2C bus did not respond correctly.
-1074396995 IMG_ERR_DEVICE_IN_USE The requested IMAQ device is already in use.
-1074396994 IMG_ERR_BAD_TAP_DATALANES The requested data lanes on a particular tap are invalid.
-1074396993 IMG_ERR_BAD_VIDEO_GAIN The requested video gain value is out of range.
-1074396992 IMG_ERR_VHA_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED The current device configuration does not allow VHA mode.
-1074396991 IMG_ERR_BAD_TRACKING_SPEED The color video tracking speed is invalid.
-1074396990 IMG_ERR_BAD_COLOR_INPUT_SELECT The selected input connector is not valid.
-1074396989 IMG_ERR_BAD_HAV_OFFSET The offset value for the Horizontal Active Video color decoder setting is invalid.
-1074396988 IMG_ERR_BAD_HS1_OFFSET The Horizontal Sync 1offset value for the color decoder is invalid.
-1074396987 IMG_ERR_BAD_HS2_OFFSET The Horizontal Sync 2 offset value for the color decoder is invalid.
-1074396986 IMG_ERR_BAD_IF_CHROMA The chroma IF compensation setting is invalid.
-1074396985 IMG_ERR_BAD_COLOR_OUTPUT_FORMAT The color output format is invalid.
-1074396984 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMSUNG_SCHCMP The phase constant specified for the color decoder is invalid.
-1074396983 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMSUNG_CDLY The chroma path group delay setting is invalid.
-1074396982 IMG_ERR_BAD_SECAM_DETECT The SECAM detection method is invalid.
-1074396981 IMG_ERR_BAD_FSC_DETECT The FSC detection method is invalid.
-1074396980 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMSUNG_CFTC The chroma frequency tracking time constant is invalid.
-1074396979 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMSUNG_CGTC The chroma gain tracking time constant setting is invalid.
-1074396978 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMSUNG_SAMPLE_RATE The pixel sampling rate is invalid.
-1074396977 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMSUNG_VSYNC_EDGE The requested VSYNC edge to synchronize with is invalid.
-1074396976 IMG_ERR_SAMSUNG_LUMA_GAIN_CTRL The method used to control the gain setting for luminance is invalid.
-1074396975 IMG_ERR_BAD_SET_COMB_COEF The chrominance comb coefficients setting is invalid.
-1074396974 IMG_ERR_SAMSUNG_CHROMA_TRACK The method used to track chrominance is invalid.
-1074396973 IMG_ERR_SAMSUNG_DROP_LINES The algorithm for dropping video lines is invalid.
-1074396972 IMG_ERR_VHA_OPTIMIZATION_NOT_ALLOWED VHA optimization is not applicable for the current configuration.
-1074396971 IMG_ERR_BAD_PG_TRANSITION A pattern generation is invalid.
-1074396970 IMG_ERR_TOO_MANY_PG_TRANSITIONS The number of pattern generation transitions exceeds the maximum allowed for the selected IMAQ device.
-1074396969 IMG_ERR_BAD_CL_DATA_CONFIG The data configuration for the channel link chip is invalid.
-1074396968 IMG_ERR_BAD_OCCURRENCE The requested occurrence is invalid.
-1074396967 IMG_ERR_BAD_PG_MODE The pattern generation mode is invalid.
-1074396966 IMG_ERR_BAD_PG_SOURCE The pattern generation source signal is invalid.
-1074396965 IMG_ERR_BAD_PG_GATE The pattern generation gate signal is invalid.
-1074396964 IMG_ERR_BAD_PG_GATE_POLARITY The pattern generation gate polarity is invalid.
-1074396963 IMG_ERR_BAD_PG_WAVEFORM_INITIAL_STATE The initial state for the pattern generation waveform is invalid.
-1074396962 IMG_ERR_INVALID_CAMERA_ATTRIBUTE The requested camera attribute is invalid.
-1074396961 IMG_ERR_BOARD_CLOSED The request failed because the device is closed.
-1074396960 IMG_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND The requested file could not be found.
-1074396959 IMG_ERR_BAD_1409_DSP_FILE The dspfilter1409.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396958 IMG_ERR_BAD_SCARABXCV200_32_FILE The scarabXCV200.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396957 IMG_ERR_BAD_SCARABXCV200_16_FILE The scarab16bit.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396956 IMG_ERR_BAD_CAMERA_LINK_FILE The data1428.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396955 IMG_ERR_BAD_1411_CSC_FILE The colorspace.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396954 IMG_ERR_BAD_ERROR_CODE The error code passed into imgShowError is unknown.
-1074396953 IMG_ERR_DRIVER_TOO_OLD The IMAQ device requires a newer version of the NI-IMAQ driver software.
-1074396952 IMG_ERR_INSTALLATION_CORRUPT The NI-IMAQ driver software installation is corrupt.
-1074396951 IMG_ERR_NO_ONBOARD_MEMORY NI-IMAQ cannot perform an onboard acquisition because there is no onboard memory.
-1074396950 IMG_ERR_BAD_BAYER_PATTERN The Bayer pattern specified is invalid.
-1074396949 IMG_ERR_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_BOARD The IMAQ device is not operating correctly and cannot be initialized.
-1074396948 IMG_ERR_CALIBRATION_DATA_CORRUPT The stored calibration data has been corrupted.
-1074396947 IMG_ERR_DRIVER_FAULT NI-IMAQ attempted to perform an illegal operation.
-1074396946 IMG_ERR_ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE NI-IMAQ attempted to access a chip beyond the applicable addressable range.
-1074396945 IMG_ERR_ONBOARD_ACQUISITION The requested operation is not valid for onboard acquisitions.
-1074396944 IMG_ERR_NOT_AN_ONBOARD_ACQUISITION The requested operation is valid only for onboard acquisitions.
-1074396943 IMG_ERR_BOARD_ALREADY_INITIALIZED NI-IMAQ attempted to call an initialization function on an IMAQ device that was already initialized.
-1074396942 IMG_ERR_NO_SERIAL_PORT The IMAQ device does not have a serial port. Serial functions are invalid.
-1074396941 IMG_ERR_BAD_VENABLE_GATING_MODE The VENABLE gating mode selection is invalid.
-1074396940 IMG_ERR_BAD_1407_LUT_FILE The lutfpga1407.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396939 IMG_ERR_BAD_SYNC_DETECT_LEVEL The synchronization signal detection level is out of range.
-1074396938 IMG_ERR_BAD_1405_GAIN_FILE The gain1405.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396937 IMG_ERR_CLAMP_DAC_NOT_PRESENT The IMAQ device does not have a clamp DAC.
-1074396936 IMG_ERR_GAIN_DAC_NOT_PRESENT The IMAQ device does not have a gain DAC.
-1074396935 IMG_ERR_REF_DAC_NOT_PRESENT The IMAQ device does not have a reference DAC.
-1074396934 IMG_ERR_BAD_SCARABXC2S200_FILE The scarabXC2S200.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396933 IMG_ERR_BAD_LUT_GAIN The specified LUT gain is invalid.
-1074396932 IMG_ERR_BAD_MAX_BUF_LIST_ITER The requested number of buffer lists for an onboard acquisition is invalid.
-1074396931 IMG_ERR_BAD_PG_LINE_NUM The requested line number for pattern generation is invalid.
-1074396930 IMG_ERR_BAD_BITS_PER_PIXEL The requested number of bits per pixel is invalid.
-1074396929 IMG_ERR_TRIGGER_ALARM Triggers are coming in too fast to handle them and maintain system responsiveness. Check for noise on your trigger line.
-1074396928 IMG_ERR_BAD_SCARABXC2S200_03052009_FILE The scarabXC2S200_03052009.bin file is corrupt or missing.
-1074396927 IMG_ERR_LUT_CONFIG Internal Error: An error occurred while configuring the LUT.
-1074396926 IMG_ERR_CONTROL_FPGA_REQUIRES_NEWER_DRIVER A firmware update has been applied to the device. The IMAQ device requires a newer version of the NI-IMAQ driver software to work with the update.
-1074396925 IMG_ERR_CONTROL_FPGA_PROGRAMMING_FAILED An error occurred while updating the firmware on the device.
-1074396924 IMG_ERR_BAD_TRIGGER_SIGNAL_LEVEL The trigger line does not support the requested signaling level.
-1074396923 IMG_ERR_CAMERA_FILE_REQUIRES_NEWER_DRIVER This camera file requires a newer version of NI-IMAQ.
-1074396922 IMG_ERR_DUPLICATED_BUFFER An image cannot be placed in the same buffer list more than once.
-1074396921 IMG_ERR_NO_ERROR No error
-1074396920 IMG_ERR_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED The camera file does not support the current interface type.
-1074396919 IMG_ERR_BAD_PCLK_POLARITY The requested polarity for the pixel clock is invalid.
-1074396918 IMG_ERR_BAD_ENABLE_POLARITY The requested polarity for the enable line is invalid.
-1074396917 IMG_ERR_BAD_PCLK_SIGNAL_LEVEL The requested signaling level for the pixel clock is invalid.
-1074396916 IMG_ERR_BAD_ENABLE_SIGNAL_LEVEL The requested signaling level for the enable line is invalid.
-1074396915 IMG_ERR_BAD_DATA_SIGNAL_LEVEL The requested signaling level for the data lines is invalid.
-1074396914 IMG_ERR_BAD_CTRL_SIGNAL_LEVEL The requested signaling level for the control lines is invalid.
-1074396913 IMG_ERR_BAD_WINDOW_HANDLE The requested window handle is invalid.
-1074396912 IMG_ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE Cannot open the requested file for writing.
-1074396911 IMG_ERR_CANNOT_READ_FILE Cannot open the requested file for reading.
-1074396910 IMG_ERR_BAD_SIGNAL_TYPE Cannot wait on the requested signal.
-1074396909 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMPLES_PER_LINE The specified number of samples per line is invalid.
-1074396908 IMG_ERR_BAD_SAMPLES_PER_LINE_REF The specified reference value for samples per line is invalid.
-1074396907 IMG_ERR_USE_EXTERNAL_HSYNC The current video signal requires an external HSYNC to be used to lock the signal.
-1074396906 IMG_ERR_BUFFER_NOT_ALIGNED An image buffer is not properly aligned. All image buffers must be aligned to a DWORD boundary.
-1074396905 IMG_ERR_ROWPIXELS_TOO_SMALL The number of pixels per row is less than the region of interest width.
-1074396904 IMG_ERR_ROWPIXELS_NOT_ALIGNED The number of pixels per row is not properly aligned. The total number of bytes per row must be aligned to a DWORD boundary.
-1074396903 IMG_ERR_ROI_WIDTH_NOT_ALIGNED The ROI width is not properly aligned. The total number of bytes bounded by the ROI width must be aligned to a DWORD boundary.
-1074396902 IMG_ERR_LINESCAN_NOT_ALLOWED Linescan mode is not valid for this tap configuration.
-1074396901 IMG_ERR_INTERFACE_FILE_REQUIRES_NEWER_DRIVER This interface file requires a newer version of NI-IMAQ.
-1074396900 IMG_ERR_BAD_SKIP_COUNT The requested skip count value is out of range.
-1074396899 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_X_ZONES The number of X zones in the tap configuration of the camera is invalid.
-1074396898 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_Y_ZONES The number of Y zones in the tap configuration of the camera is invalid.
-1074396897 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_TAPS_PER_X_ZONE The number of taps per X zone in the tap configuration of the camera is invalid.
-1074396896 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_TAPS_PER_Y_ZONE The number of taps per Y zone in the tap configuration of the camera is invalid.
-1074396895 IMG_ERR_BAD_TEST_IMAGE_TYPE The requested test image type is invalid.
-1074396894 IMG_ERR_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_FROM_CAMERA This firmware is not capable of acquiring from a camera.
-1074396893 IMG_ERR_BAD_CTRL_LINE_SOURCE The source for the camera control line is invalid.
-1074396892 IMG_ERR_BAD_PIXEL_EXTRACTOR The requested pixel extractor is invalid.
-1074396891 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_TIME_SLOTS The requested number of time slots is invalid.
-1074396890 IMG_ERR_BAD_PLL_VCO_DIVIDER The requested VCO divide down number is invalid. The only valid values are 2, 4, 8 and 16.
-1074396889 IMG_ERR_CRITICAL_TEMP The device temperature exceeded the critical temperature threshold.
-1074396888 IMG_ERR_BAD_DPA_OFFSET The requested dynamic phase aligner offset is invalid.
-1074396887 IMG_ERR_BAD_NUM_POST_TRIGGER_BUFFERS The requested number of post trigger buffers is invalid.
-1074396886 IMG_ERR_BAD_DVAL_MODE The requested DVAL mode is invalid.